
Video – The Candle Burns – Lost Beatles Track or Fake?

 The September issue of the internet music magazine Ear Candy contains a fascinating article and analysis of the bootleg track A Piece Of Mind / The Candle Burns.

The track has been known about since the mid 1970s but this is the first real in depth analysis of it that tries to answer if it is indeed an unused Beatles song or is it a fake?

You can find the article, plus a link to the track HERE.

The video and artwork below are fake mock-ups – but still fun. - The Candle Burns - Lost Beatles Track or Fake? digg:Video - The Candle Burns - Lost Beatles Track or Fake? spurl:Video - The Candle Burns - Lost Beatles Track or Fake? wists:Video - The Candle Burns - Lost Beatles Track or Fake? simpy:Video - The Candle Burns - Lost Beatles Track or Fake? newsvine:Video - The Candle Burns - Lost Beatles Track or Fake? blinklist:Video - The Candle Burns - Lost Beatles Track or Fake? furl:Video - The Candle Burns - Lost Beatles Track or Fake? reddit:Video - The Candle Burns - Lost Beatles Track or Fake? fark:Video - The Candle Burns - Lost Beatles Track or Fake? blogmarks:Video - The Candle Burns - Lost Beatles Track or Fake? Y!:Video - The Candle Burns - Lost Beatles Track or Fake? smarking:Video - The Candle Burns - Lost Beatles Track or Fake? magnolia:Video - The Candle Burns - Lost Beatles Track or Fake? segnalo:Video - The Candle Burns - Lost Beatles Track or Fake?

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