
Strange Journey of Paul’s Broken Bass

According to this report in the Pakistan Daily Times, a guitar that Paul McCartney threw into a crowd decades ago during a Beatles concert in Britain has turned up at a school in Montenegro.

The report states that McCartney had tossed the Hofner Violin bass guitar into the audience after its neck broke, Milan Dobrilovic, a Montenegrin cameraman, said he had received the guitar from his cousin Dario Persi who was the fan who caught the instrument. Dobrilovic recently donated the guitar to a music school in Herceg Novi, a tiny town on the country’s Adriatic coast. Journey of Paul's Broken Bass digg:Strange Journey of Paul's Broken Bass spurl:Strange Journey of Paul's Broken Bass wists:Strange Journey of Paul's Broken Bass simpy:Strange Journey of Paul's Broken Bass newsvine:Strange Journey of Paul's Broken Bass blinklist:Strange Journey of Paul's Broken Bass furl:Strange Journey of Paul's Broken Bass reddit:Strange Journey of Paul's Broken Bass fark:Strange Journey of Paul's Broken Bass blogmarks:Strange Journey of Paul's Broken Bass Y!:Strange Journey of Paul's Broken Bass smarking:Strange Journey of Paul's Broken Bass magnolia:Strange Journey of Paul's Broken Bass segnalo:Strange Journey of Paul's Broken Bass

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