
School Ban’s John’s “Imagine”

The BBC is reporting that an english primary (elementary) school has withdrawn John Lennon’s “Imagine” from an end of term concert performance, even though the children “had spent weeks rehearsing the song.” A teacher at St Leonards Primary in Exeter, Devon, a Christian School, objected to what was seen as the song’s “anti-religion” message. Ban's John's  digg:School Ban's John's  spurl:School Ban's John's  wists:School Ban's John's  simpy:School Ban's John's  newsvine:School Ban's John's  blinklist:School Ban's John's  furl:School Ban's John's  reddit:School Ban's John's  fark:School Ban's John's  blogmarks:School Ban's John's  Y!:School Ban's John's  smarking:School Ban's John's  magnolia:School Ban's John's  segnalo:School Ban's John's

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