
Ringo To Tell His Story

According to  report on, Ringo Starr is making a documentary about his life. The Beatles legend is tired of hearing myths and lies about himself and has decided to reveal the truth He said: “It’s an anthology we are doing on me.”

 The 66-year-old drummer, who battled alcoholism after The Beatles split, will film the programme and speak to the people who know him best in the music industry. A source told Britain’s Daily Express newspaper: “To most of the general public, Ringo is still the Liverpudlian who simply got lucky by hooking up with Lennon and McCartney at the right time. Less is generally known about Ringo’s story. He is speaking to people such as Beatles producer Sir George Martin in the film, and it is hoped people will go away with a better understanding of him.”  

Ringo was once described by the late John Lennon as the “heart” of The Beatles. The documentary is set to be broadcast on British TV next year. To Tell His Story digg:Ringo To Tell His Story spurl:Ringo To Tell His Story wists:Ringo To Tell His Story simpy:Ringo To Tell His Story newsvine:Ringo To Tell His Story blinklist:Ringo To Tell His Story furl:Ringo To Tell His Story reddit:Ringo To Tell His Story fark:Ringo To Tell His Story blogmarks:Ringo To Tell His Story Y!:Ringo To Tell His Story smarking:Ringo To Tell His Story magnolia:Ringo To Tell His Story segnalo:Ringo To Tell His Story

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