
BEATLES – Day By Day – 12/15/61

Friday, 15th December, 1961

The Beatles once again pulled double duty with another lunch time performance at The Cavern followed by another Friday night trip over the Mersey to the Tower Ballroom in New Brighton for another of Sam Leach’s “Operation Big Beat” shows.

This evening the show lasted five and half hours with the music provided by five different groups. Perhaps the biggest draw of the evening was the apperance of Cass & The Cassanovas as Brian Casser had journeyed up from London for a one-off reunion with his old band-mates. Perhaps the surprise appearence of The Beatles and Sam Leach at his London club the week before had something to do with Casser’s brief return to Merseyside? - Day By Day - 12/15/61 digg:BEATLES - Day By Day - 12/15/61 spurl:BEATLES - Day By Day - 12/15/61 wists:BEATLES - Day By Day - 12/15/61 simpy:BEATLES - Day By Day - 12/15/61 newsvine:BEATLES - Day By Day - 12/15/61 blinklist:BEATLES - Day By Day - 12/15/61 furl:BEATLES - Day By Day - 12/15/61 reddit:BEATLES - Day By Day - 12/15/61 fark:BEATLES - Day By Day - 12/15/61 blogmarks:BEATLES - Day By Day - 12/15/61 Y!:BEATLES - Day By Day - 12/15/61 smarking:BEATLES - Day By Day - 12/15/61 magnolia:BEATLES - Day By Day - 12/15/61 segnalo:BEATLES - Day By Day - 12/15/61

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