
BEATLES – Day By Day – 12/6/61

Wednesday, 6th December, 1961

Another significant day in the development of The Beatles story as the group held its second meeting with Brian Epstein in his office at the NEMS record store. Epstein proposes a cut of  25 percent of the group’s gross fees each week. He also promised that he will organize their bookings on a more professional basis including finding dates at better venues as well as expanding beyond the Liverpool area. A minumum performance fee of 15 pounds is discussed with the exception of The Cavern where Eptsein promises to get the fee doubled to 10 pounds. Most important of all, he promises to get them out of their recording contract with Bert Kaempfert in Germany, then use his influence to garner them a contract with a major British label. John Lennon, as leader of The Beatles, accepts on their behalf. No contract is signed at this point. Epstein believed the standard contracts of the time were too exploitative and he promises The Beatles that he will prepare a fairer one. As ‘leader” of the group John accepts in principal but nothing is signed.

After the afternoon meeting The Beatles appear at The Cavern for a night time performance. - Day By Day - 12/6/61 digg:BEATLES - Day By Day - 12/6/61 spurl:BEATLES - Day By Day - 12/6/61 wists:BEATLES - Day By Day - 12/6/61 simpy:BEATLES - Day By Day - 12/6/61 newsvine:BEATLES - Day By Day - 12/6/61 blinklist:BEATLES - Day By Day - 12/6/61 furl:BEATLES - Day By Day - 12/6/61 reddit:BEATLES - Day By Day - 12/6/61 fark:BEATLES - Day By Day - 12/6/61 blogmarks:BEATLES - Day By Day - 12/6/61 Y!:BEATLES - Day By Day - 12/6/61 smarking:BEATLES - Day By Day - 12/6/61 magnolia:BEATLES - Day By Day - 12/6/61 segnalo:BEATLES - Day By Day - 12/6/61

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