
BEATLES Day By Day – 7/1/61

Saturday, 1st July, 1961.

The Beatles played the last set of their extended gig at the Top Ten Club at Reeperbhan #136, Hamburg, Germany bringing to and end a record setting thirteen week engagement during which they played an incredible 503 hours of music.

The 1st July, 1961 was also the first effective day of a year-long contract that The Beatles had signed with German record producer Bert Kaempfert. It is unsure when exactly the contract was negotiated and signed, but it is fair to surmise that it must have been around the time of the recent recording sessions with singer Tony Sheridan.

Kaempfert was an independent record producer who then assigned the recordings (but not The Beatles’ contract) to Polydor records in Germany. Polydor selected and released a single of “My Bonnie (Lies Over The Ocean)” labeled as Tony Sheridan and The Beat Boys. According to Kaempfert’s records the single sold around 100,000 copies. Day By Day - 7/1/61 digg:BEATLES Day By Day - 7/1/61 spurl:BEATLES Day By Day - 7/1/61 wists:BEATLES Day By Day - 7/1/61 simpy:BEATLES Day By Day - 7/1/61 newsvine:BEATLES Day By Day - 7/1/61 blinklist:BEATLES Day By Day - 7/1/61 furl:BEATLES Day By Day - 7/1/61 reddit:BEATLES Day By Day - 7/1/61 fark:BEATLES Day By Day - 7/1/61 blogmarks:BEATLES Day By Day - 7/1/61 Y!:BEATLES Day By Day - 7/1/61 smarking:BEATLES Day By Day - 7/1/61 magnolia:BEATLES Day By Day - 7/1/61 segnalo:BEATLES Day By Day - 7/1/61

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