
Woolton Fete to be Recreated for 50th Anniversary

July 2007 will see the 50th Anniversary of the seminal first meeting between Paul MCCartney and John Lennon at a church fete in the Woolton area of Liverpool, now according to the Liverpool Echo a re-enactment is being planned.

On July 6, 1957 the two teenagers were introduced by their mutual friend Ivan Vaughan during the fete in Woolton. Now St Peter’s church and neighbouring Bishop Martin CE primary school are hoping to recreate the meeting. Planning is still in the early stages. But vicar Kip Crooks said: “On July 6, the actual anniversary, there will be aser-vice of celebration of the Beatles, followed by a re-enactment of the dance where the two met. The next day the school and church are running a fete along the lines of what it was like 50 years ago.”

Of course you can read about the day in more detial in Before They Were Beatles. Fete to be Recreated for 50th Anniversary digg:Woolton Fete to be Recreated for 50th Anniversary spurl:Woolton Fete to be Recreated for 50th Anniversary wists:Woolton Fete to be Recreated for 50th Anniversary simpy:Woolton Fete to be Recreated for 50th Anniversary newsvine:Woolton Fete to be Recreated for 50th Anniversary blinklist:Woolton Fete to be Recreated for 50th Anniversary furl:Woolton Fete to be Recreated for 50th Anniversary reddit:Woolton Fete to be Recreated for 50th Anniversary fark:Woolton Fete to be Recreated for 50th Anniversary blogmarks:Woolton Fete to be Recreated for 50th Anniversary Y!:Woolton Fete to be Recreated for 50th Anniversary smarking:Woolton Fete to be Recreated for 50th Anniversary magnolia:Woolton Fete to be Recreated for 50th Anniversary segnalo:Woolton Fete to be Recreated for 50th Anniversary

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