
VIDEO – “Eddie Clayton” in action

A few days ago I was lucky enough to get a chance to see “Eddie Clayton” perfom, and it was one of those once in a life time concert experiences. Eddie Clayton was the name of the leader of Ringo Starr’s first skiffle group and was also the alias occasionaly used by Eric Clapton when working with various members of The Beatles.

As a reminder of those great collaborations and a wonderful concert, here’s a clip of Clapton playing along with George and Ringo, plus a few other friends. -  digg:VIDEO -  spurl:VIDEO -  wists:VIDEO -  simpy:VIDEO -  newsvine:VIDEO -  blinklist:VIDEO -  furl:VIDEO -  reddit:VIDEO -  fark:VIDEO -  blogmarks:VIDEO -  Y!:VIDEO -  smarking:VIDEO -  magnolia:VIDEO -  segnalo:VIDEO -

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