
Hard Day’s Night Hotel – Update

 The Hard Days Night Hotel a $31 Million development, located at the corner of North John Street, Liverpool is due to open in the fall of 2007.



The four star hotel has been extended to six floors and is now half-way through construction. The hotel is intended to be fully Beatle themed as well as being a “guided tour” through the Fab Four’s career from The Cavern to the rooftop of Abbey Road studios. Each room will have a specially commissioned painting depicting a scene from the Beatle’s journey and a smaller version of the painting will hang outside the rooms so that visitors can follow the story as they work their way up the various floors.

The hotel will also include conference and meeting facilities with a “Beatles twist”, an exclusive bar and four-star restaurant.

The logo for the new Hard Days Night hotel (above) depicts the unusual opening chord (G7 Suspended) of the Beatles’ 1964 track from which the hotel  takes its name.

Further details can be found here, here and at the hotel’s official website here. Day's Night Hotel - Update digg:Hard Day's Night Hotel - Update spurl:Hard Day's Night Hotel - Update wists:Hard Day's Night Hotel - Update simpy:Hard Day's Night Hotel - Update newsvine:Hard Day's Night Hotel - Update blinklist:Hard Day's Night Hotel - Update furl:Hard Day's Night Hotel - Update reddit:Hard Day's Night Hotel - Update fark:Hard Day's Night Hotel - Update blogmarks:Hard Day's Night Hotel - Update Y!:Hard Day's Night Hotel - Update smarking:Hard Day's Night Hotel - Update magnolia:Hard Day's Night Hotel - Update segnalo:Hard Day's Night Hotel - Update

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