
Early Lennon-McCartney Artifacts Unearthed in Liverpool

The Liverpool Echo recently ran a report on two finds dating back to the teenage years of John Lennon and Paul McCartney.


Starting today (June 20th) a small clear piece of plastic goes on display at “Mendips” the childhood home of John Lennon, now operated by The National Trust for historic buildings.


The piece is believed to be one of John’s first guitar plectrums. It is known that John used to make his own plectrums and this particular example was found inside a cupboard left behind by John’s Aunt Mimi when she sold the house.


Also recently uncovered was a small bookcase built by Paul McCartney in woodwork shop during his time as a student at The Liverpool Institute. The black, teak wood cabinet resided at the McCartney family home in Forthlin Road for many years and will be auctioned later this year. Lennon-McCartney Artifacts Unearthed in Liverpool digg:Early Lennon-McCartney Artifacts Unearthed in Liverpool spurl:Early Lennon-McCartney Artifacts Unearthed in Liverpool wists:Early Lennon-McCartney Artifacts Unearthed in Liverpool simpy:Early Lennon-McCartney Artifacts Unearthed in Liverpool newsvine:Early Lennon-McCartney Artifacts Unearthed in Liverpool blinklist:Early Lennon-McCartney Artifacts Unearthed in Liverpool furl:Early Lennon-McCartney Artifacts Unearthed in Liverpool reddit:Early Lennon-McCartney Artifacts Unearthed in Liverpool fark:Early Lennon-McCartney Artifacts Unearthed in Liverpool blogmarks:Early Lennon-McCartney Artifacts Unearthed in Liverpool Y!:Early Lennon-McCartney Artifacts Unearthed in Liverpool smarking:Early Lennon-McCartney Artifacts Unearthed in Liverpool magnolia:Early Lennon-McCartney Artifacts Unearthed in Liverpool segnalo:Early Lennon-McCartney Artifacts Unearthed in Liverpool

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