
Documentary to tell tale of US vs Lennon

In a new documentary to be released later this summer filmmakers David Leaf and John Scheinfeld promise to chronicle a the chapter in John Lennon’s life when he transformed from being a pop star to an icon for peace.

During his period as a vocal anti-war activist the US government of the time had him under constant survelliance an often tried to stop or silence his activities.

The as yet unitled film was completed with the full co-operation of Yoko Ono and is currently in post production. to tell tale of US vs Lennon digg:Documentary to tell tale of US vs Lennon spurl:Documentary to tell tale of US vs Lennon wists:Documentary to tell tale of US vs Lennon simpy:Documentary to tell tale of US vs Lennon newsvine:Documentary to tell tale of US vs Lennon blinklist:Documentary to tell tale of US vs Lennon furl:Documentary to tell tale of US vs Lennon reddit:Documentary to tell tale of US vs Lennon fark:Documentary to tell tale of US vs Lennon blogmarks:Documentary to tell tale of US vs Lennon Y!:Documentary to tell tale of US vs Lennon smarking:Documentary to tell tale of US vs Lennon magnolia:Documentary to tell tale of US vs Lennon segnalo:Documentary to tell tale of US vs Lennon

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