
Beatles & iTunes – will we hear something on Monday?

Speculation about the possible availability of the Beatles catalog becoming available as digital downloads is once more making the rounds of the ‘net. The BBC reports that EMI is to hold a media event on Monday with Apple boss Steve Jobs as special guest, prompting speculation that Beatles songs will finally go online. In an invite to media sent out today, EMI said it was announcing an “exciting new digital offering”.

[However given the British press's enthusiasm for celebrating the 1st day of April, I tend to view any announcment or "exclusive" posted on this day with a certain degree of skepticsim.] & iTunes - will we hear something on Monday? digg:Beatles & iTunes - will we hear something on Monday? spurl:Beatles & iTunes - will we hear something on Monday? wists:Beatles & iTunes - will we hear something on Monday? simpy:Beatles & iTunes - will we hear something on Monday? newsvine:Beatles & iTunes - will we hear something on Monday? blinklist:Beatles & iTunes - will we hear something on Monday? furl:Beatles & iTunes - will we hear something on Monday? reddit:Beatles & iTunes - will we hear something on Monday? fark:Beatles & iTunes - will we hear something on Monday? blogmarks:Beatles & iTunes - will we hear something on Monday? Y!:Beatles & iTunes - will we hear something on Monday? smarking:Beatles & iTunes - will we hear something on Monday? magnolia:Beatles & iTunes - will we hear something on Monday? segnalo:Beatles & iTunes - will we hear something on Monday?

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