
BEATLES – Day By Day – 9/21/61

Thursday, 21st September, 1961

The Beatles rounded out their week at The Cavern with another lunchtime performance.

In the evening they joined Gerry & The Pacemakers and Rory Storm & The Hurricanes (featuring Richie “Ringo” Starkey on drums) at Litherland Town Hall. The bill featuring what were then considered the top three Liverpool acts, was arranged by promoter Brian Kelly, who charged the capacity crowd just three shillings (15p /3c) each for what was billed as three-and-a-half “rocking hours.”

Also on the 21st producer David Plowright, from the nearby Manchester based TV station Granada, wrote a letter in response from a query from the band’s de facto manager, Mona Best (Pete’s mother and owner of the Casbah Coffee Club), indicating that he would contact her when and if it becomes possible to include The Beatles on a future installment of the local “People and Places” show. - Day By Day - 9/21/61 digg:BEATLES - Day By Day - 9/21/61 spurl:BEATLES - Day By Day - 9/21/61 wists:BEATLES - Day By Day - 9/21/61 simpy:BEATLES - Day By Day - 9/21/61 newsvine:BEATLES - Day By Day - 9/21/61 blinklist:BEATLES - Day By Day - 9/21/61 furl:BEATLES - Day By Day - 9/21/61 reddit:BEATLES - Day By Day - 9/21/61 fark:BEATLES - Day By Day - 9/21/61 blogmarks:BEATLES - Day By Day - 9/21/61 Y!:BEATLES - Day By Day - 9/21/61 smarking:BEATLES - Day By Day - 9/21/61 magnolia:BEATLES - Day By Day - 9/21/61 segnalo:BEATLES - Day By Day - 9/21/61

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