
BEATLES – Day By Day – 8/25/61

Friday, 25th August, 1961

The Beatles rounded out their week at The Cavern with a lunch time preformance.

They were also booked by the Cavern’s owner, Ray McFall, for an evening engagement, but at a slightly different venue. McFall occasionaly rented the Mersey Ferries boat Royal Iris for what he called Riverboat Shuffles. McFall liked to offer a cross section of musical styles for these excursions to draw a large a crowd as possible.

Topping the bill this night was perhaps Britain’s most popular Jazz musician, Acker Bilk and his Paramount Jazz Band. Second on the bill, and appealing to a very different crowd, were The Beatles.

Tickets for the cruise, which started and ended at Liverpool’s Pier Head were 8/6 (8 shillings and 6 pence [about 45p in current UK currency = 85c US ]) with the ferry scheduled to depart at 7:45pm for a 3 hour 5 min circuit of the Mersey estuary. - Day By Day - 8/25/61 digg:BEATLES - Day By Day - 8/25/61 spurl:BEATLES - Day By Day - 8/25/61 wists:BEATLES - Day By Day - 8/25/61 simpy:BEATLES - Day By Day - 8/25/61 newsvine:BEATLES - Day By Day - 8/25/61 blinklist:BEATLES - Day By Day - 8/25/61 furl:BEATLES - Day By Day - 8/25/61 reddit:BEATLES - Day By Day - 8/25/61 fark:BEATLES - Day By Day - 8/25/61 blogmarks:BEATLES - Day By Day - 8/25/61 Y!:BEATLES - Day By Day - 8/25/61 smarking:BEATLES - Day By Day - 8/25/61 magnolia:BEATLES - Day By Day - 8/25/61 segnalo:BEATLES - Day By Day - 8/25/61

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