
Brenda Lee Recalls Early Beatles

In a piece promoting her new gospel album country singer Brenda Lee recalls an early Beatles encounter.

“Well, I was not having a whole lot of success in The United States in the late fifties, and early sixties, even though I’d had records out here,” she said. “I had a record out called ‘Dynamite’ and it was a huge hit in England and so I went over to tour in there and I continued to have records that were hits there that were not hits here. “While in England, I had met this group of young men and they toured with me throughout Germany and parts of England. They were then called The Silver Beatles (sic) and they later became known as The Beatles.”

Brenda Lee said she was so impressed with Liverpool’s “Fab Four” that she brought a demo record back to her label in the United States as well as a picture of them, but they turned down the opportunity of signing what was to become the world’s biggest rock group.

“Because they looked completely different to the rockers here in the United States, my company said no stating, ‘They will never happen here.’ My reaction was that they couldn’t see the forest for the trees. Then, about six months later or thereabouts, they came out with “I Want To Hold Your Hand”, and the rest is history.” Lee Recalls Early Beatles digg:Brenda Lee Recalls Early Beatles spurl:Brenda Lee Recalls Early Beatles wists:Brenda Lee Recalls Early Beatles simpy:Brenda Lee Recalls Early Beatles newsvine:Brenda Lee Recalls Early Beatles blinklist:Brenda Lee Recalls Early Beatles furl:Brenda Lee Recalls Early Beatles reddit:Brenda Lee Recalls Early Beatles fark:Brenda Lee Recalls Early Beatles blogmarks:Brenda Lee Recalls Early Beatles Y!:Brenda Lee Recalls Early Beatles smarking:Brenda Lee Recalls Early Beatles magnolia:Brenda Lee Recalls Early Beatles segnalo:Brenda Lee Recalls Early Beatles

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